I’m a mom of a 15-year-old girl who has pretty bad teenage acne. She feels very self-conscious about it and it breaks my heart. She recently told me that some of the kids at school are making mean comments about her acne and I couldn’t believe it. I don’t remember kids being so cruel. I knew I had to do whatever I could to make it better, being a teenager is hard enough without bad skin.
As a parent, I want to protect and help my daughter but I honestly didn’t know what to do. She washes her face every morning and every night and I help her shop for makeup that non-comedogenic but she still breaks out. We tried Proactive but it really dried out her skin and she was still breaking out. I did some research online to see what other parents had done to help and saw some reviews on Clearogen, an acne treatment that gets to the root of teen acne- their raging hormones!
Two months later, my daughter’s skin is 100 times better and she is so excited. I will definitely keep buying her Clearogen’s three-step acne treatment set, which I found at Sephora.com. Now on to the next teen issue: dating. This is not going to be fun.
Joan G., Portland, OR- Guest blogger