Summer is coming to an end and if you’re a parent that means its time to get the kids ready to go back to school. Teens may be especially anxious as they worry about making friends, fitting in, and keeping up in class. For teens suffering from acne, going back to school can be emotionally devastating. The looks, comments, heckling and even bullying about a teen’s acne can distract from relationship building, participating in activities and even distract from their school work.
The good news is there is a solution. Whatever type of teen acne your child has, blackheads, red bumps, or even cystic acne, Clearogen’s three-step acne treatment set can help them get clear skin in at little as 30 days. The reason it works so well is because it gets to the root cause of acne and reduces DHT production and prevents excess oil production. More about the science here: http://www.clearogen.com/the-science/
So help your teen start the year off right with clear skin and keep their mind focused being successful in their academics. Enter to win a year’s worth of product by entering our #clearogenbacktoschool contest on Facebook or purchase yours at http://www.sephora.com/clearogen.
Studies Assessing the Effects of Acne on Adolescent Self-esteem, Hassan et al 19 (2009) 132 patients http://www.cosderm.com/fileadmin/qhi_archive/ArticlePDF/CD/025020066.pdf
Clearogen website http://www.clearogen.com/the-science/